NCMS Past Presidents
Nueces County Medical Society
The Nueces County Medical Society, established in 1904, is one of 120 component county medical societies of the Texas Medical Association, a statewide professional organization of 55,000 licensed physicians. The Society's 750+ members include approximately 80% of the physicians practicing in Nueces County. Members of the Association and the Society have joined together to improve the health of all Texans.
Our Purpose
The purposes of this Society are (1) to serve the people of Nueces County in matters of medical care, (2) to federate the profession licensed to practice medicine in the State of Texas, (3) to unite with other component societies to form the Texas Medical Association and through it with other State associations to form and maintain the American Medical Association, (4) to promote unity and cooperation among its members, (5) to secure the enactment of appropriate medical and health care legislation, (6) to extend medical knowledge and advance medical science, and (7) to strive for the prevention and cure of disease and the improvement of public health.
The Nueces County Medical Society provides, sponsors or endorses an array of services designed to respond to the personal and professional needs of its members.
Benefits of membership in the Nueces County Medical Society include:
- Information, advice, and sounding board for physicians
- Continuing Medical Education opportunities
- Medical publications & other communications (Magazine, Directory, Newsletter)
- Public Relation and public awareness events
- Mediation of patient/physician problems
- Collegial activities (Dinner meetings, public relations projects)
- Liaison with news media and public
- Access to TMA & NCMS resources
- Physician referrals
- Mailing labels of NCMS members
- Advertising opportunities
- Political involvement
- Commitment to the greater community
Eligibility Requirements
If you are a physician and are not a member of the Nueces County Medical Society, we would like to extend an invitation for you to join approximately 80% of your Nueces County colleagues and 50,000 physicians throughout Texas in the Texas Medical Association.
To be eligible for membership, individuals must be:
Physician holding the Degree of Doctor of Medicine and/or Doctor of Osteopathy legally
licensed to practice medicine and surgery in the State of Texas who subscribes to the Principles of Medical Ethics of the American Medical Association and who lives in or practices medicine in or around Nueces County.
House staff physicians who are serving in training programs approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education who are licensed by or hold institutional permits from the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners;
Physicians who are military medical officers, employees of governmental entities, or those with academic and administrative appointments in medical schools who are not required to register under the Medical Practice Act of Texas and who are bona fide residents of the State of Texas; and
Physicians otherwise eligible for Association membership who are fully retired from the practice of medicine.
Application Request
For more information on becoming a member contact Sandra Montemayor at 361-884-5442 or email smontemayor@nuecesmedsociety.org.
Regular Member dues $993.00 ($598.00 TMA, $395.00 NCMS)
FYP dues $496.50 ($299.00 TMA, $197.50 NCMS)
Resident dues $45.00 ($20.00 TMA, $25.00 NCMS)
Building Fund $10 per year
PAC Contributions - Optional dues for Members
300 CLUB*** $300
(Doctors of Corpus Christi)
PLEASE NOTE: Full-year dues are accepted with application submitted after October. Half-year dues are accepted with applications submitted June through August (new members only). In Texas, the county medical society and Texas Medical Association (TMA) dues are conjoint; you cannot join either independently. American Medical Association (AMA) dues are recommended, but not required.
Other member categories are LEAVE OF ABSENCE, HONORARY , LIFE, AND RETIRED. If you believe that you may qualify for these types or would like more information about them, please contact Interim Executive Director, Sandra Montemayor at (361) 884-5442 or email smontemayor@nuecesmedsociety.org.
**While a portion of dues paid may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses for Federal Income Tax purposes, 18% of TMA dues and 28% of AMA dues are not deductible because they are allocable to lobbying as defined by law. $20 of the TMA dues are for a 1-year subscription to Texas Medicine.
***Voluntary political contributions to TEXPAC are not shared with AMPAC unless you have added additional amounts specifically designated for AMPAC as indicated above. Neither the TMA nor the AMA will favor or disadvantage anyone based on the amount of or failure to make contributions to TEXPAC or AMPAC. Contributions are subject to Federal Election Commission law and regulations. No portion of any contribution to TEXPAC, DOCCPAC, or AMPAC can be deducted as a business expense of Federal Income Tax purposes. Federal law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer for each individual whose contributions in aggregate are in excess of $200.00 in a calendar year.
*****Contributions to the Physicians Benevolent Fund are deductible as charitable contributions for Federal Income Tax purposes. No contributions or gifts to any of the other entities listed above are deductible as charitable contributions for Federal Income Tax purposes.
Please remember that physicians whose dues have not been paid by March 1st, will not be included in the 2023-2024 pictorial directory. If you have any questions, or would like a duplicate of your dues statement, please call Sandra Montemayor at (361) 884-5442, or email smontemayor@nuecesmedsociety.org.
Credit Cards accepted.
Retired Physician Organization (RPO) Information
The RPO is an organization for NCMS retired members or those planning to soon retire. The RPO encourages your continued participation with the NCMS membership, but offers a "cafeteria plan" of membership services and benefits from which you can choose. Involvement in the Retired Physicians Organization is voluntary and limited to members in good standing of Nueces County Medical Society (NCMS) with emphasis on retired members. As an RPO member, you continue to receive many of the benefits of membership, including access to NCMS staff, copy of NCMS annual pictorial directory and the bi-monthly publication Coastal Bend Medicine. You may also attend NCMS membership meetings free of charge and take advantage of free CME.
We encourage you to join the NCMS RPO which is particularly geared to the interests of our retired physicians. Now that you are dues exempt from NCMS/TMA, the RPO dues of $150 per year are a bargain. Click here to download RPO dues form.